Developer: Instituto de Informática, I.P.
Category: Tools
Rating: 0.00
Allows the consultation of georeferenced content relating to the location of some public services, indicating the accessibility characteristics in outdoor and indoor spaces, as well as the respective services available.The APP allows all people, including those with visual impairment, to provide guidance in real time in indoor public spaces.The following features are available:1. Georeferencing of accessibility conditions on public roads and the location of public services, indicating accessibility characteristics in outdoor and indoor spaces;2. Georeferencing of parking spaces and respective space reservation for people with reduced mobility, with real-time information on their occupancy;3. Support during the journey on foot, from public transport stops near public administration services, to the point where they enter;4. Support during travel from any point of origin to public transport stops or a public service parking space, which has been previously reserved.
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