

vnCare - Visit with an Online Doctor

Developer: VNPT Group

Category: Health_and_fitness

Rating: 0.00


vnCare - A remote online medical examination consultation application is a solution for individuals to monitor and receive health care for themselves and their family members. This is one of the first applications to exploit integrated information from medical facilities, medical professionals, doctors and individuals to provide the best health care services to the people.The functionality of the application includes:- Register online appointment: Allows you to choose a hospital, type of examination service, doctor, or desired date. Manage appointments, schedule follow-up visits.- Register for online medical examination for all relatives- Make an examination with a doctor on the application via video with voice, chat and receive examination results through the application.- Medical examination and treatment information: The history of visits through the application, the results of the doctor's conclusions- Look up the history of medical examination and prescriptions through the Data Integration Portal of the Ministry of Health- Personal and relative information: administrative information, Health Insurance card information, family relationship information and contact informationOutstanding features of the application:- Connecting patients via Video call: People can easily receive health care with just a smartphone device, anywhere. The patient's medical data is also stored on the Medical Data Portal of the Ministry of Health, making it easy for patients to access Personal Health Records as well as hospitals to receive the necessary information to Treating patients more effectively- Reduce costs: The remote connection with the medical team helps patients get the best instructions, contributing to reducing the cost of medical examination and treatment and reducing the load on medical facilities.- Operational optimization: IT application systems help optimize operational processes, serve to better manage patients, enhance problem-solving ability and operational efficiency of the medical system. community health care.

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