Developer: Lidl
Category: Tools
Rating: 3.02
Downloads: 1M+
The Lidl Home App turns your home into a smart home. With Lidl Home, you can comfortably and simultaneously control, automate and monitor all of your devices – from the lights to your doorbell –from wherever you are. It can be set up in just a few steps. It's easy to link your devices to the app's Gateway, and it can be set up and ready for you and your family to use in just a few steps.The Lidl Home App: YOUR MOBILE PHONE AS COMMAND CENTREThe Lidl Home App features a Gateway, which lets you control lights as well as motion detectors, socket connectors, household devices and much more. UNIVERSAL AND REALLY EASYAssign up to 25 lights to each remote control with the Lidl Home App. Once you have set it up, you can control all the lights at the same time with just one remote control. CANDLE LIT DINNER OR MOVIE NIGHT AT HOME?You can set up your favorite scene with just a few taps. You can save the settings and retrieve them at any time.ROUTINE AND PLANABLELight on, light off, even if you are not in the room: Use it while away on holiday or to schedule a light to wake you up. You can automate your Smart Home lighting however you want and can save your own routines and schedules to your settings.ALL IN ONE GO!With our Lidl Home App, you can set up whole rooms and can turn all the lights in a room on or off simultaneously or change the brightness and colour.ANY COLOUR YOU WANT.With the right bulbs, you can choose from more than 16 million different light colours or select any white tone you desire. Anything is possible, the bulbs are even dimmable. Find out more at
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