Developer: PRODESP - Cia de Proc. de Dados do Estado de SP
Category: Auto_and_vehicles
Rating: 0.00
The DER App available to users consult Warning Penalty Process Written,Defense Assessment and Administrative Appeal. Lets also see fines relating to offenses committedthe roads under the jurisdiction of the Department of Highways - DER, and also consultConducting indication of their fines.This application is an initiative of the Department of Highways - DER and provides fast and efficient consultation, providing the updated situation of the features mentioned above, and also image of a fine, from the vehicle RENAVAM. Fines for Shipper is also available for consultation CNPJ / CPF.exclusive of fines Shipper not block the licensing of the vehicle used in transport.More information contact the DER by phone (11) 3311-1718 or visit the application will have new features.
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