Loterias CAIXA

Loterias CAIXA

CAIXA official application that allows you to simulate and place lottery bets

Developer: Caixa Econômica Federal

Category: Finance

Rating: 4.42

Downloads: 10M+

Now playing CAIXA Lotteries is easier!The CAIXA Lotteries Application is free to download and can be used to place bets on CAIXA Lotteries, view upcoming draws, check results, learn about the distribution of lottery collections, mark favorite bets and much more, all conveniently and at any time. time, anywhere exclusively within the national territory. To do this, you just need to be over 18 years old, have a valid CPF and an active credit card. The service will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, the closing time for bets follows the same rule as bets registered in lotteries and other electronic channels. With the Loterias CAIXA app you can: - Place bets for all types of CAIXA Lotteries, with the exception of the Federal Lottery, using options such as multiple bets, Surpresinha and Teimosinha. With Teimosinha, for example, it is possible to plan your bets for the entire month, considering the minimum purchase value of R$20.00;- Consult the history of bets made;- Check the results of competitions;- Check whether the bet made by the app was a winner and start the prize redemption process;- Check whether tickets purchased at Lottery Units are winning by scanning the barcode;- Customize your bets with Rapidão;- Monitor in real time the allocation of CAIXA Lottery collections;- Learn about the CAIXA Lotteries Responsible Gaming Program, a set of measures to promote education and guidance for healthy gaming. CAIXA provides information and guidance on the telephone number 0800-726-0207, Option 7 (Lotteries) – 3 (Responsible Gaming) and on the website www.jogoresponsavel.com.br. You can also seek information at the Psychosocial Care Centers (CAPS) of the Ministry of Health. Download now and increase your chances of winning. Have you thought?Caixa Econômica FederalCNPJ 00.360.305/0001-04SBS Quadra 04 LT 3/4 - South WingCEP 70.070-140 Brasília/DFhttps://faleconosco.caixa.gov.br

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